Monday, May 31, 2010

Aura tests 4-6

Test #4, White band still on large whorl, no tension. Green band large whorl middle drive wheel groove. Beautiful longdraw! Overall, a very easy setting

Test #5 White band the same, green band Medium Whorl, medium Drive wheel groove. Really hard draw-in...hard to get backward draw even. Needed to do a death grip on the short draw...when I drafted holding the yarn at a hard 90 degrees to the orifice, it was easier to do short draw. Long draw was easier, especially at 90 degrees. On the "from the fold" the draw in made evenness difficult, but tightening the white band tension by 4 discernible turns helped.
Test #6 White band the same. green band small whorl, middle groove in drive wheel. Very strong pull in, making spinning difficult. The long draw was OK, but got better control when I tightened the white band by 4 discernible turns. From the fold was wonderful, one handed. When I tightened the tension it became uneven.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful presentation of these findings, I am really enjoying your posts. I am an Art Yarn spinner living in Australia and I have just purchased the Aura - love it! You have inspired me to do something similar as a reference. Thanks so much.
